Silver Linings - North Queensland IT Industry Conference 2015

Silver Linings - North Queensland IT Industry Conference 2015

SafetyCulture's Cloud Team Lead, Tom Dance, and I recently put together a presentenation, Silver Linings - Our journey in migrating a cloud, discussing the goals and challenges of SafetyCulture's cloud product rebuild and cloud service provider migration project which was completed in February 2015. The presentation is a detailed follow-on from SafetyCulture CEO, Luke Anear's, Amazon Web Services Sydney Summit keynote, in which he discussed the evolution of our business and the necessity to completely overhaul our product's architecture and infrastructure to meet our scaling demands.

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Convert .crt Certificates to .cer (DER X.509)

Convert .crt Certificates to .cer (DER X.509)

Certificate files with the .crt extension are commonly distributed by certificate authorities for certain types of digital certificates. However, Microsoft Windows, Nokia Symbian and some other operating systems require DER X.509 encoded .cer certificate files. This tutorial demonstrates the conversion of these certificates on a Windows 7/Vista device for compatibility with these platforms.

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Symbian Goes Walkabout - James Cook University Wireless connectivity from Symbian S60 3rd Edition

Symbian Goes Walkabout - James Cook University Wireless connectivity from Symbian S60 3rd Edition

This tutorial is designed to allow James Cook University students to connect to Walkabout wireless from a Symbian S60 3rd Edition device. Large parts of this tutorial may also apply to other Symbian versions. However, this has only been tested on an S60 3rd Edition Device. It requires some intermediate level computer experience, though even some users with only basic experience with computers should be able to accomplish this with no issues provided they follow the tutorial step-by-step.

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